
Monday, April 28, 2014

Challenge 165: UMT Camelia

Busy, busy, busy weeks lead to finding ways to multitask.  So...this week's challenge actually has me being a little proactive with a Mother's Day card.  A little Camelia and a banner and voila!   One down and one to go.  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Challenge 163: New Official Tangle Rixty

This week's challenge from the Diva is to use the new official tangle "Rixty" which was created for Rick's 60th birthday.  It reminds me of the official tangle Poke Root with the way the steps are broken down.  I used the opportunity to create a birthday card for my super cool brother.  I am pretty sure he doesn't check my blog  so I am not spoiling the surprise.  I always wait until I do my own challenge before I check out what others have done.  I can't wait to see how others used it and if anyone else tried a spiral.  Not sure where the Medusa-like striped fringe at the end came from but think it as some whimsy.  Tangle on my friends!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Challenge 162: String Theory - Initial String

So I've been working on a custom piece for a friend that uses glitter instead of pen...glitter tangles and it reminded me of my love for glitter.  I really do like creating art and drawing or painting with glitter.  I've pretty much finished those pictures (will post them when I am all done) and want to work on some more glitter tangles and thought this challenge would be a good practice for a piece I want to do in glitter.  I have a friend whose daughter is having a birthday soon and thought she might like a big tangled glitter Q.  Working with glitter is a little trickier than a pen but you can do most tangles.  I like the tangles for the Q and for the interior of the Q but not sure about the outside which is a tangle called chime.  I think it might look better in glitter than it does here.  What do you think?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Challenge 161: In a Quandary about Quandary

Quandary is the tangle for the challenge this week.  It is not one I have had the chance to try out before so as the title of this post suggests, I did find it a bit of a challenge myself.  Think it is one I will keep practicing.  For this challenge I used a blank zendala tile, my  Micron pens, some Prismacolor pencils and a white Sakura Gelly Roll.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letter to CBS Sunday Morning

I can't believe I have been practicing zentangle for almost 10 years.  In that time I have often thought about how great it would be for CBS Sunday Morning to do a feature on zentangle.  I never really told anyone about it and luckily 2 other CZTs did and Maria and Rick asked us to participate in a campaign to see if they would do a piece on zentangle.  Below is my letter, card and zentangle I sent in.  Let's hope this works!

Hello, my name is Lara Williams and I am a huge fan of CBS Sunday Morning and have been watching for many years. I am writing to encourage you to do a segment on zentangle because I believe your show is a perfect match for introducing this amazing art style to the world. The honest, down to earth, inquisitive nature of your program makes it a great match and venue for reporting on zentangle.

I was first introduced to zentangle shortly after it was created almost 10 years ago in August 2004. Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas who created zentangle taught a class at a meeting I was attending. The easy step by step directions and focus it creates all while creating a piece of art had me hooked and I haven’t stopped tangling (tangling = drawing zentangle style) since. I pretty much tangle on anything and keep looking for new ways to incorporate zentangle into my art. When the opportunity came up in 2009 to become a Certified Zentangle Teacher I was offered the chance to attend and have truly enjoyed being able to share zentangle and teach others how wonderful and fun it can be AND that they too can be artists.

So what is zentangle? Each person who practices zentangle has their own story of what it is to them and how it fits into their life. To me, zentangle is a tool I can use to find balance in my life. I think of it as an active form of meditation that brings focus and peace to my life. I get lost in the patterns and time and worries just slip away when I am tangling. I feel that the process of creating a zentangle is the greatest benefit. The side effect of creating a zentangle is the beautiful artwork you create while following the process. It is also the most rewarding experience I have had as a teacher. Everyone who has taken one of my classes leaves with a little boost to their self-esteem. Many have never thought of themselves as artists and by the end of the class they have all created a beautiful piece of art. The wonderful thing about zentangle is that it can be taught to all ages and abilities.

So I hope this letter has inspired you to research and explore what zentangle is all about. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I hope that you find as I believe, zentangle is a great match for your show. I am enclosing an original zentangle tile I created as an example.

Thank you for your time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Card I sent with the above letter inside

Tile I included