
Friday, November 30, 2012

Challenge 97: No Strings Attached

This week's challenge from the Diva was to create a tile without using a string.  This can be a very freeing exercise because often we can get stumped right at the very start with what string to use.  For this challenge you just start tangling and there you go.  I started with Pepper and from there I went to the corners and filled in.  I guess I kind of used the edge of the tile as my string.  Kind of an underwater microscopic feel to it.

Keep Tangling!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Challenge 94: UMT Socc

I was a bit skeptical about how this one would turn out.  Was a very good exercise for slowing down and focusing on each stroke to be able to get multiple lines close together in the spaces.  

Keep Tangling!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Challenge 92: String Theory (Stripes)

I call this one Stripes on a Plane.  It was a bit of a bumpy ride on my way from Indy to Boston last week when I took up this challenge.  Had me laughing though so it was lots of fun as I just let go and let it be.  I just focused on making the best stroke I could in the moment and sometimes that was a big bumpy stroke.  

Keep Tangling!