
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 74: 365 Daily Project - Going Global

Tangles: On Target, Da Deal, Bales, Tortuca, Ving, Tipple

I did not quite follow the suggestion today which was to go tangle somewhere else - not enough time tonight.  Sorry!  So instead I did the Diva's Challenge to use a Globular string.  Instead of physically traveling today the globular string was my way of traveling.  I used a renaissance tile and referenced the grid section of my trusty binder of tangles. I like the arrangement of the tangles with each creating a border.  A little shading around the outside and voila!   


  1. Really good way to 'grow' the tangle outwards to fit the circular frame. I love your colours too. Axxx

  2. I like this. The "border" arrangement of patterns also helps it feel 3-dimensional. Beautiful.

  3. I love this piece! It's so beautifully composed and I love the colors.
