
Friday, February 10, 2012

Challenge 57 - Sanibelle

After a very fun week leading up to the Superbowl, going to the Superbowl - watching my team lose and then being sick all week I am finally starting to feel better. Although I still have no voice, at least I have the energy to tangle again. What a great new challenge. Sanibelle by Tricia Faraone is lots of fun!  Can't wait to try it some more.

Tangles: Spaanders,Bridgen, Ojo, Sanibelle, Warts and Wobbles

Keep Tangling!


  1. A very sparkling tangle, like snow or seeds everywere.

  2. Such fun and doesn't Warts and Wobbles fit well around Sanibelle? Very nice!

  3. Very nice! Yours is the first Warts and wobbles that I have seen. It does look good with the sanibelle!
